Bina Nusantara University melalui Community Development Academic (CDA) mengadakan Webinar Sustainable Development Goals Asia Summit 2020 dengan tema “Empowering the Soceiety” pada 10-19 November 2020 secara daring atau online menggunakan Zoom meeting, yang juga dihadiri mahasiswa/i Hotel Management dan Business Hotel Management.
Day 6 SDGs ASIA SUMMIT 2020 berlangsung pada Rabu, 11 November 2020 pk 14.00- 16.00 WIB, dan mengangkat sub tema tentang “Inclusive Education for Special Needs Students”. Terdapat 4 keynote speakers pada kegiatan ini yaitu; Neng Priyanti (Indonesia), Pervin Rustom Watchmaker (India), Dr Noura Abd El Whap Dakhail (Egypt), dan Lara Dzasezheva (Russia).

Berikut informasi SDSs ASIA SUMMIT 2020 dikutup dari official website:
Our Mission
Sustainable Development Goals Asia Summit 2020 provides a forum for academia, government, civil society, UN agencies, and the private sector to come together to share practical solutions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Why Attend?
This year’s SDGs Asia Summit 2020 will be the most important and historic yet! Why? Because this is the first! Not only will the science and policy be at the cutting edge; the conference will take place on multiple campuses around the world, making it a truly global event. SDGs Asia Summit 2020 will host students from around the world, top scientists, and world leaders from politics to government to the UN. We urge everybody interested in sustainable development – the great challenge of our age – to come to this special event. Alas, space is limited, but we’ll pack in all that we can!
Partner SDSs ASIA SUMMIT 2020: