BINUS Hotel Management (Binusian 2026)

(SO1) Mampu mengaplikasikan operasional hotel pada divisi kamar dan divisi tata hidang untuk menghasilkan produk dan layanan yang didukung oleh teknologi dan sesuai dengan standar kualitas industri.

Able to apply hotel operations in the room division and food and beverage division to produce products and services that are supported by technology and in accordance with industry quality standards

(SO2) Mampu melakukan fungsi manajerial hotel pada divisi kamar dan divisi tata hidang

Able to perform hotel managerial functions of room division and food and beverage department

(SO3)  Mampu menganalisis operasional tata hidang yang sesuai perkembangan dan inovasi industri hospitaliti.

Able to analyze food and beverage operations comply with the hospitality industry growth and innovation

(SO4) Mampu menginterpretasikan konsep perhotelan dan fungsi manajemen dalam bidang pemasaran, sumber daya manusia, keuangandan keselamatan sesuai dengan konsep berkelanjutan dan Global Code of Ethics for Tourism

Able to interpret the concept of hospitality and the managerial functions in sales marketing, finance, human resources, and safety aligned with the concept of sustainability and Global Code of Ethics for Tourism

(SO5) Mampu menciptakan produk kuliner dengan pengetahuan, teknik dan keterampilan dengan pemanfaatan teknologi yang sesuai standar industri

Able to create culinary products complying the knowledge, skills, techniques, and technology refer to industry quality standards

(SO6) Mampu menghasilkan produk minuman pada departemen tata hidang dan menghasilkan pelayanan prima pada divisi kamar  dengan pengetahuan, teknik, peralatan yang tepat, keahlian dan kreativitas serta menggunakan teknologi yang sesuai dengan standar industry

Able to produce beverage products in the Food & Beverage Service Department and produce excellent service in the Room Division with the right knowledge, techniques, equipment, expertise and creativity as well as using technology that is in accordance with industry standards

BINUS Business Hotel Management @Bekasi (Binusian 2026)

(SO1) Mampu mengaplikasikan operasional hotel pada divisi kamar dan divisi tata hidang untuk menghasilkan produk dan layanan yang didukung oleh teknologi dan sesuai dengan standar kualitas industri.

Able to apply hotel operations in the room division and food and beverage division to produce products and services that are supported by technology and in accordance with industry quality standards

(SO2) Mampu melakukan fungsi manajerial hotel pada divisi kamar dan divisi tata hidang

Able to perform hotel managerial functions of room division and food and beverage department

(SO3)  Mampu menganalisis operasional tata hidang yang sesuai perkembangan dan inovasi industri hospitaliti.

Able to analyze food and beverage operations comply with the hospitality industry growth and innovation

(SO4) Mampu menginterpretasikan konsep perhotelan dan fungsi manajemen dalam bidang pemasaran, sumber daya manusia, keuangandan keselamatan sesuai dengan konsep berkelanjutan dan Global Code of Ethics for Tourism

Able to interpret the concept of hospitality and the managerial functions in sales marketing, finance, human resources, and safety aligned with the concept of sustainability and Global Code of Ethics for Tourism

(SO5) Mampu membuat rancangan bisnis kuliner dan hospitaliti yang selaras dengan perkembangan digital dan teknologi melalui kompetensi kewirausahaan dan analisis bisnis

Able to make culinary and hospitality business plan in accordance with digital and technology transformation through business analyst and entrepreneurship competency.

(SO6) Mampu mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dan kemampuan antar disiplin dalam mengembangkan alternatif solusi untuk pemecahan masalah.

Able to apply interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in developing alternative solutions for problem-solving.