Program studi Hotel Management Universitas Bina Nusantara berkolaborasi dengan PT. Sinar Meadow International (SMII) Indonesia mengadakan sesi Guest Lecture Live Cooking dengan tema “Doughnut 101” pada Senin, 23 November 2020 pk 13.20- 15.00 WIB yang dihadiri sebanyak 10 mahasiswa secara onsite di Laboraturium Pastry Binus Aggrek dan 60 mahasiswa secara online via Zoom meeting. Sekalipun kegiatan dilakukan secara onsite, namun hygiene dan sanitation tetap dijalankan seperti jaga jarak dan penggunaan masker. Tutor sekaligus narasumber utama dalam kegiatan ini adalah Chef dari PT. SMII yaitu Chef Christofurus Kevin dan Chef Chandra Dee, dipandu oleh Ibu Nia Maulina (Marketing Supervisor PT.SMII)
Kegiatan ini ditujukan khusus untuk mahasiswa semester tiga (B2023) prodi Hotel Management sebagai pengkayaan pada mata kuliah Pastry & Bakery Operation (HTMN6074). Melalui Guest Lecture ini, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu memahami bagaimana membuat salah satu produk bakery yaitu donut dengan teknik yang benar dan bahan- bahan yang berkuliatas, serta memoles tampilan akhir donut dengan topping yang bervariasi.
Berikut informasi mengenai PT. Sinar Meadow International Indonesia yang dikutip dari official website
Sinar Meadow, a joint venture between Sinar Mas Group and Goodman Fielder, is currently the leading edible fats manufacturer in Indonesia. Supported by our strong foundation, we are on the course of becoming the preferred partner of every margarine and shortening professional users in the world. We specialise in edible fats, such as margarine, shortening, frying fats, speciality fats, and cooking oil products. With more than three decades of experience, we have proven to be the total solution for our customers through our diverse brands and product range. Our products are available across the country via our distributors in more than 40 locations, and we also serve the international market. Through the years, we have developed successful and beneficial partnerships with Indonesian and international food manufacturers, bakeries, restaurants, hotels, and food and bakery ingredient manufacturers, to name a few.
In our business operation, we always put our customers first. We are fully committed to developing and creating products that are helpful and useful for our customers. We understand each business has its secret and closely guarded recipes; that is why we can customise our product formula to suit our customers’ needs and help them achieve their desired result. We also maintained an environmentally friendly manufacturing site with proper waste management and disposal. Since 2013, we are a proud member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) where we promote the growth and use of sustainable palm oil products.
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung, Jl. Pulo Ayang I No. 6. Jakarta 13260
Phone: (+62-21) 4602981-85 / (+62-21) 4601935
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