Pada 20- 21 Juni 2019 bertempat di Auditorium Lantai 2 Sekolah  Tinggi Pariwisata Trisakti Jakarta berlangsung The China – ASEAN Tourism Education Alliance (CATEA) 2019 yang mengusung tema “Uniting Conservation, Community and Sustainable Tourism, Facing Tourism 4.0”.

Dalam CATEA ini, Hotel Management Universitas Bina Nusantara mengirimkan 2 paper yang kemudian dipresentasikan dalam sesi pararel, yang kemudian akan dipublikasikan dalam Prosiding. Hotel Management BINUS mengirimkan 2 delegasi yang menjadi  perwakilan untuk menyampaikan makalah ilmiahnya sesuai sesi pararel masing- masing, yaitu Ika Triana dan Rachel Dyah Wiastuti. Berikut adalah paper yang telah diterima dan dipresentasikan dalam kegiatan ini:

Link untuk conference prosiding

Informasi mengenai CATEA disadur dari

Initiated by the ASEAN China Center and Guilin Tourism University along with 18 tourism schools and enterprises in China and ASEAN, the China – ASEAN Tourism Alliance (CATEA) is a non-governmental organization established on the voluntary basis. The alliance is aimed to assist the ?Belt and Road Initiative? and construct the China – ASEAN tourism education community as 2017 is the China -ASEAN Tourism Year. To promote the cooperation between tourism schools in China and ASEAN and upgrade the educational quality, the alliance is also created to better serve the China – ASEAN Tourism cooperation, the economic development and social prosperity in this region. The founding members sign ed the Declaration of the Alliance Establishment during the 10th China ASEAN Education Exchange Week, which marks the founding of the CATEA. Now Guilin Tourism University is now serving as the Secretariat of the Alliance. The 11 stripes in the logo represent the unity of China and the 10 ASEAN member states. The logo looks like an open book and a big tree, which are usually linked to education. Meanwhile it also resembles a colorful mountain made of tree leaves, which is often related to tourism. The simple but elegant logo, as a whole, symbolizes our common vision of the Alliance: the union and cooperation between us to advance the innovation and healthy development of tourism education.

Berikut dokumentasi kegiatan:

Ibu Ika Triana dan Ibu Rachel Dyah Wiastuti pada CATEA 2019


Ibu Ika Triana mempresentasikan papernya dalam sesi pararel CATEA 2019


Ibu Rachel Dyah Wiastuti mempresentasikan papernya dalam sesi pararel CATEA 2019


Foto bersama pemakalan dan moderator sesi pararel CATEA 2019


Keynote speaker dalam CATEA 2019


Suasana CATEA 2019


Venue CATEA 2019 di Auditorium STP Trisakti


Hotel Management BINUS diwakilkan 3 dosen dalam CATEA 2019


Flyer CATEA 2019