How to cite:

Arif Zulkarnain, Tri Wiyana, Trias Putranto, Athapol Ruangkanjanases. (2020). ANALYSIS OF IMAGE ATTRIBUTE AND IMAGE HOLISTIC TOWARD BEHAVIORAL INTENTIONS. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology17(7), 2527-2538.

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This research aims at developing and testing a conceptual model of the relationships among the constructs of Hotel Image, Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions in the hospitality industry. The discussion in this research focuses on (1) the effect of hotel image on customer satisfaction; (2) the effect of hotel image on behavioral intention; and (3) the effect of customer satisfaction on behavioral intention. Primary data for the research were obtained using a questionnaire distributed to 315 respondents. The participants were recruited using purposive sampling method. All of the respondents had stayed in a 4-star hotel at least 1 time in the last 12 months. The research data were analyzed using LISREL 8.80 to test the models and hypotheses. The results of this study indicate that Image Attribute and Image Holistic have a positive influence on behavioral intention. Image Attribute obtained a coefficient value of 0.87, significantly higher than Image Holistic which obtained a coefficient value of 0.72. Both have a positive influence on Behavioral Intention and Satisfaction. Future research is expected to focus on other variables such as trust and commitment. This research provides an understanding of behavioral intention.