Hello, my name is Helvira Maharani Tresnadi and I am a Binusan 25 (254013555). I am a 3rd semester student majoring in Business Hotel Management at Binus@Bekasi as well as FYPL B2026. This is my third competition. Sial Interfood laCuisine is a competition event as well as a leading food and beverage exhibition in Indonesia, which has been running for 19 years.
At first, I found out about this race from Mrs. Rachel, and Mrs. Rachel who made me determined to take the Individual category because this is the newest challenge for me. After that I was directed to discuss with Chef Nurul, I proposed the maranggi satay menu because it comes from the area where I live, namely Purwakarta. But Chef Nurul gave a suggestion to use mainstream satay, and I chose Surabaya’s typical Surabaya klopo satay as the main choice. Why? Klopo satay is still rarely known by many people and the uniqueness of this satay is that this satay is covered with grated coconut which is seasoned with yellow, after that it is given peanut sauce and the presentation of the satay is sprinkled with serundeng and it is very suitable to be eaten with Rice cake (Lontong).

During practice, it is indeed a big challenge to cook food that has never been eaten. Starting from the practice at the end of October to the beginning of November, there were many twists and turns, guided by my boyfriend who always said that “everything can happen”. He also managed my workflow so that it was more focused, starting from training once a day to twice a day. Chef Nurul also helped with adjustments to taste, meat texture, level of doneness, to plating.

When the D-day started, I felt very nervous, plus the international jury really exceeded expectations, many of which fit the phrase “everything can be Happen”. It’s like a different Grill, the meat gets so frozen, Nervous that it’s hard to wear gloves, the timing of each step is nothing like during a rehearsal. But from there we learn that it is our own instincts that will automatically work to provide flow to survive. When it is different from during practice, that is where we are challenged to be able to improvise with existing circumstances.
And when the announcement was posted in the afternoon, Chef Nurul informed me that I won the Bronze Champion in the Indonesian satay category, how I couldn’t believe it, because I could get that category. Feelings of emotion and joy enveloped my atmosphere when I heard the news. I am very grateful and grateful to God for giving me the opportunity to win. And also to Mrs. Rachel who has supported training materials and competitions, to Chef Nurul who has provided direction and teaching. To Sinta B26 as my helper, to my friends practicing together, as well as to my boyfriend Ilham Jivaresta who helped me in the cooking work-flow, and until I was able to stand on the podium to announce the prize.
Thank You,
Helvira Maharani Tresnadi – 254013555