
The Hotel Management Program at BINUS offers a comprehensive Bachelor of Applied Tourism (Sarjana Terapan Pariwisata) Program focused on equipping students for successful careers in the dynamic hotel and hospitality industry. With national accreditation of “Baik Sekali” from BAN-PT and international certifications such as TedQual from the United Nations World Tourism Organization and HEEACT from Taiwan, the program ensures adherence to global standards of education. Students benefit from a curriculum that emphasizes both management fundamentals and specialized streams: Culinary Art and Hotel Operation Services. These streams are designed to cultivate expertise in culinary competencies and hotel operations, respectively, supported by state-of-the-art equipment, systems, technology, and sustainability awareness.

From the first semester through the fourth semester, the Hotel Management Program at BINUS integrates practical classes to provide hands-on learning experiences essential for industry readiness. Additionally, through the Independent Learning Independent Campus (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka - MBKM) initiative, students have the flexibility to pursue courses aligned with their talents and interests, including options from other study programs and institutions. This initiative aims to broaden students’ knowledge base and enhance their skills, preparing them to excel in diverse roles within the hospitality sector.

Furthermore, the program emphasizes experiential learning through a one-year enrichment program that encompasses a variety of tracks, including industry internships both domestically and internationally. This opportunity allows students to immerse themselves in esteemed hotels, restaurants, convention centers, and other hospitality venues, in gaining invaluable work experience. Additionally, students have the option to participate in study abroad programs, conduct research, pursue entrepreneurship ventures, or contribute to community development. Students will graduate equipped with the skills and knowledge to excel in various roles within the global hospitality sector.

Complementing these practical experiences are guest lectures, seminars, workshops, industry visits, and participation in national and international hospitality competitions. Moreover, recognizing the importance of emerging technologies, the curriculum incorporates basic knowledge of artificial intelligence (AI), preparing students to leverage AI applications in enhancing guest experiences, optimizing operations, and driving innovation in hospitality management.

Upon graduation, students are encouraged to pursue nationally recognized certifications in hotel competencies, enhancing their marketability for employment in multinational hospitality corporations, global food and beverage startups, and other sectors of the industry, including establishing their own entrepreneur business. The program’s blend of international and local content ensures graduates are equipped to manage diverse hotel operations effectively in today’s competitive global marketplace.

Catalog 2016/ B2020 (PDF); Catalog 2017/ B2021 (PDF), Catalog 2018/ B2022 (PDF), Catalog 2019/ B2023 (PDF), Catalog 2020/ B2024 (PDF), Catalog 2021/ B2025 (PDF), Catalog 2022/ B2026 (PDF), Catalog 2023/ B2027 (PDF), Catalog 2024/ B2028 (PDF)