Course Structure for Binusian 2028

Sem Code Course Name SCU Total
1 CHAR6013021 Character Building: Pancasila 2 20
HTMN6001021 Introduction to Hospitality1&2 4
HTMN6002021 Introduction to Tourism1&2 (AOL) 2
HTMN6123021 Hygiene and Safety for Hospitality1 (AOL) 4
HTMN6149021 Front Office Operation1&2 (AOL) 4
HTMN6150021 Housekeeping Operation1 (AOL) 4
Foreign Language Courses 0
2 CHAR6014021 Character Building: Kewarganegaraan 2 20
COSC6011021 Foundations of Artificial Intelligence 2
HTMN6125021 Restaurant Operation1&2 4
HTMN6008021 Kitchen Operation1&2 4
HTMN6128021 Pastry and Bakery Operation1&2 (AOL) 4
HTMN6129021 Bar Operation1&2 (AOL) 2
HTMN6130021 Steward Operation1 2
Foreign Language Courses 0
3 CHAR6015021 Character Building: Agama 2 17/15
HTMN6108021 Food and Beverage Management1 (AOL) 2
ENTR6510005 Entrepreneurship: Prototyping 2

Stream: Culinary Art

HTMN6083021 Asian Cuisine1&2 (AOL) 4
HTMN6159021 Pastry and Baking Art1 (AOL) 3
HTMN6131021 Catering Management1 (AOL) 2
HTMN6132021 Gastronomy Study1 2

Stream: Hotel and Operation Services

HTMN6133021 Room Division Management1&2 (AOL) 4
HTMN6126021 Bar Management1 (AOL) 2
HTMN6161021 Mixology1 (AOL) 3
Foreign Language Courses 0
4 LANG6027021 Indonesian 2 21/23
MKTG6233021 Marketing Management in Hospitality1&2 (AOL) (AIE) 4
HTMN6124021 Human Resources Management in Hospitality1 (AOL) (AIE) 4
FINC6143021 Financial Management in Hospitality1 (AOL) 2

Stream: Culinary Art

HTMN6160021 Indonesian Cuisine1 (AOL) 3
HTMN6021021 Food Production Management1 (AOL) 2
HTMN6011021 Culinary Art 1&2 (AOL) 4

Stream: Hotel and Operation Services

HTMN6135021 Front Office Management1 (AOL) 4
HTMN6136021 Housekeeping Management 1&2 (AOL) 4
HTMN6162021 Coffee Art1 (AOL) 3
Foreign Language Courses 0
5 ENTR6511005 Entrepreneurship: Market Validation 2 22
Minor Program 20
Free Electives 20
Multidisciplinary Stream 20
6 Enrichment Program I 20 20
7 Enrichment Program II 20 20
8 HTMN6031021 Final Project 6 6

Total Credits 146 SCU

1) This course is delivered in English 2) Global Learning System course -) AOL - Assurance of Learning Process System -) AIE - Artificial Intelligence Embedded Course Multidisciplinary Stream/Minor/Free Electives: -) For 5th Semester: Students are required to choose Cross Streaming or Minor Program or Free Electives. For Free Electives, students are required to choose from the list of Free Electives in Appendix. Foreign Language Courses: Students will take foreign language courses according to BINUS University English proficiency test results. See foreign language courses appendix for the details. Students must pass with a minimum Grade of C. Enrichment Program I (6th Semester) & Enrichment Program II (7th Semester): -) Student will take one of enrichment program tracks (off campus). Enrichment Track Scheme
Track  Semester 6 Semester 7
1 v v
2 v v
3 v v
4 v v
5 v v
6 v v
7 v v
8 v v
9 v v
10 v v
11 v v
Notes: IN            : Certified Internship RS           : Certified Research EN           : Certified Entrepreneurship CD           : Certified Community Development SA           : Certified Study Abroad IS            : Certified Specific Independent Study etc           : Study Program Special Purposes Description: Student will take one of enrichment program tracks